“Phoenix Park-Kim is a sensitive pianist and she interprets [the Coleridge-Taylor and R. Nathaniel Dett] works beautifully… the various tracks have been very well programmed and fit together to have a single, clear-cut, pleasant ambiance.”
-Maria Nockin, Fanfare - Issue 35:5 May/June 2012
“R Nathaniel Dett’s four-movement romantic suite for piano solo, a beautiful 15- minute composition, [is] played with feeling… This is a highly listenable collection of little-known pieces by composers who deserve to be heard… Park-Kim is a warmly competent pianist.”
-D Moore, American Record Guide - May/June 2012
MSR Classics
-Maria Nockin, Fanfare - Issue 35:5 May/June 2012
“R Nathaniel Dett’s four-movement romantic suite for piano solo, a beautiful 15- minute composition, [is] played with feeling… This is a highly listenable collection of little-known pieces by composers who deserve to be heard… Park-Kim is a warmly competent pianist.”
-D Moore, American Record Guide - May/June 2012
MSR Classics
“Summerland, an album by Duo Dolce, two young women with Korean roots who have experience teaching and performing in America, is a wonderful program of works by African-American composers past and present. It demonstrates (as if proof were needed at this late date) that greatness in classical music is not the sole possession of people of one race or color, but is the heritage of us all. Cellist Kristen Yeon-Ji Yun and pianist Phoenix Park-Kim have the tools and the artistic sensitivity to put over a program that you won’t want to miss!"
-Atlanta Audio Club - April 2020 Spotify MSR Classics |

"A special word of praise is owed to pianist Phoenix Park-Kim, a faculty colleague of the two sopranos. Her playing is unfailingly assured and accomplished, no matter what challenges these works present, and she is a fully supportive and sensitive collaborator."
-Gregory Berg, Journal of Singing, Vol. 76:No. 3 - January/February 2020
Music of Bach, Chopin, Liszt, Kreisler/Rachmaninoff
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